Wednesday, November 28, 2007

words that calmed a bad situation

There are so many bad situations. There are so many words that light a fire under an angry, sad, or just frustrated person but only few that put it out. I have to say that the most effective way to calm an angry person is just by saying "I'm sorry". This can depend on the situation and of course the tone you use, but in general it can mean the world. In the case of a death these words don't make sense to me. When somebody close to me has died and somebody says "Hey I'm sorry" I just think to myself "What are you sorry for? Did you kill them?" I think a simple "I'm here for you" works in the case of a death. It says everything in just one simple line without overdoing your sympathy. There is never a word that will calm a situation completely, and they all have different circumstances, but I think with the advice I have given you are now ready to go out there and stay out of some fights!

most known for

I would like to be most known for my accomplishments in life. Stars are most known for the way they act (or don't act), by the way they look, or by the crazy things they do. They are more known for their personal life, which is great...for them. Presidents are known for the way they handle tough political situations. They are known by what they do for the future, which is also great...for them. I would like to be known for what I leave behind. I would like to be known for and by the people that I leave behind; the people that I save. I would like to be the person that may not be known by everybody; but the people that know me, respect me. I can't say I'm going to be the person to cure cancer or come up with the next great way to perform open heart surgery (like it isn't good enough), but I'm going to try my damndest.

when do i feel most confident

I feel most confident when I am with people that I love, and people that love me. Nothing is more of a confidence booster than to be around people that love you completely for who you are. To them it doesn't matter what my hair looks like at the moment or what I'm wearing. I hate being put in a situation when people are sitting across from you judging you on every aspect of your life, even if it's something your completely unaware of. The people that love you most don't judge you because they know you well enough to already know, accept, and love the flaws that make you, you. I also feel confident when I am dealing with something that has anything to do with the medical profession. I feel good when I am learning about it, and helping to be a part of it. Confidence is something that can be found in many unsuspecting places and something to be kept close, because if something or somebody can make you feel that way it is something to be kept.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

writing fear

I guess I kind of answered this in my last blog. My fear of writing is having somebody judge me, becuase writing is so personal. I can't just write a paper without putting in my own life experiences and my beliefs. It's scary to let just anybody read something you have written when it is all about you. I overcome my fears by doing it anyways. I love to write, and if somebody doesn't care what I have to write about then they dont have to read it. If they do have to read it then I hope they take in my writing and read it with the most sencerity possible. I usually have something sort of good to say, and I hope to change the way somebody may think about something especially if they are wrong. :)

when do i enjoy writing

I enjoy writing for liesure. I hate this situation. I hate having people judge my writing, because in the end what others think of my writing isn't going to affect the way I write. I don't mind learning how to become a better writer which is part of this class, but composition can be a very difficult class, if you have a different writing style or different views than the person who does the grading. In the end it just comes down to if you have the same views as the other person. If I was to read a paper that was talking about worshiping the devil it would make it hard for me to relate and therefore hard to for me to go along with it. It would make the flow of the paper bad. Overall I like writing in my journal when it's just me and my thoughts.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Thanksgiving memories

I know in my last blog I said that divorce in my case was a blessing, and it was. Overall it has been for the better more than for the worse. I have to say though part of my past memories have consisted of tormenting myself when deciding which parent to spend the holiday with. When sombody gives the topic "thanksgiving memories" you don't think of something bad, but I couldn't really think of a prominent thing that really stuck out in my head. Thanksgiving is a very basic idea. It's a day for you to stuff your face, watch some football, spend some time with your family, give thanks for your overdue blessings, and pass out from the turkey. I will leave you with a happy memory though. My favorite Thanksgiving memory has to be learning how to fake like I know what my mom is talking about when she says "you don't MEASURE Liz! You just add until it looks right!" and me yelling "HOW DO YOU KNOW WHEN IT LOOKS RIGHT!?" when my mom tried to teach me how to cook a turkey dinner.

things to be thankful for

What don't I have to be thankful for. I was born a completely healthy person. I have both of my parents and then some. Divorce in my case ended up being a blessing. I dont have to listen to my parents hate eachother and I gained my wonderful 2nd mom and forest gump(my moms boyfriend) which ill explain his name sometime! I have all my wonderful siblings that are healthy and able bodied. I was blessed with wits and the ability to apply myself and get good grades that will someday hopefully lead to a promising career. I am blessed with all the other relatives that are unamed. I was blessed with my boyfriend, Sean, who can seem like the opposite sometimes, but is always there when it counts. Really, in America, what don't we have to be thankful for? I thank God for what he has given me everyday.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

most interesting place ive been

I have not been very many interesting places yet. I have been to Florida, Georgia, Missouri, Canada, Wisconsin, Mexico, and Wyoming. That's other than places near here, like the surrounding states. I guess the most interesting place I have been is probably Washington D.C. I went to as many of the monuments, museums, graves, and statues we could possibly get to in five days. I have to say that even though I was young and it rained most of the time we were outside it was quite interesting. We saw the many monuments that honor the wars the people that have given their lives for our freedom. We saw the many museums where pieces of our history are located. We even went to the Holocaust museum, but since we were such a large group we weren't able to get into the main part, just a side exhibit. I would like to take time to visit D.C. again when I have more time to enjoy it further.

reading interviews

I like to read interviews that are about somebody that I know, or know of. It wouldnt interest me to read an interview with some person that I had never heard, or heard of their accomplishments. I do like to read interviews. It's always fun to read something new about a star, or somebody famous, or even just somebody you know. I wouldn't care to know very much about Britney Spears or Paris Hilton or any of that group for that matter. They are of no interest to me. Just because somebody can sing (poorly), act (poorly), or spend money (poorly) doesn't mean they are or should be of interest to anybody. I like to read interviews that have people that mean something to me, or have done something truely amazing. Even George Bush would be okay. He has led this country for nearly eight years, and it's funny to listen to him talk.

someone I like listening to

There are many people I like listening to. I like listening to teachers and all together smart people talk. It's very geeky of me, but I love to learn. I think that is what we are here for; to retain as much knowledge as we can. It's amazing listening to somebody who knows more than you talk, about a subject that interests you. I love listening to Trent Reznor. He is the leader of the band Nine Inch Nails. He has a very soothing voice to me, even if he is screaming his demon music. I like to listent to my seven year old sister talk. SHe has a very innocent take on everything. Its refreshing to here somebody talk about positive things. Most of all I love listening to my mom. Sometimes she yells, sometimes she cries, sometimes she sings, and sometimes she doesn't make sense at all, but she is very smart, and soothing to me. I love my mom.

good food combos

I am one of the weirdest eaters I know. My mom has partly raised me to be this way and I have developed it on my own. I enjoy things like cottage cheese and fruit mixed. I am not the only person I know who does this so it may not be a very unique thing, but I get teased for it when I do it in front of new people. I mix my ranch and my ketchup together when I am eating french fries. I will only drink orange juice if I am having eggs. I put brown sugar in my squash. Now none of these may seem that strange to anbody, but I will most likely leave you feeling a little bit sick when I tell you about the last thing I eat. Ever since I was little I have enjoyed putting peanut butter on pickles. Don't ask me why, but I think it has something to do with the sweet and salty commbo.

Monday, November 12, 2007

how does one appreciate veterans

Veterans have fought for the freedom of American's for years. Some of us don't always agree with the war, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't respect what they do everday for the millions of people that belong to this country; many of us strangers to them. I think there are many things we can do for veterans. One of them is supporting them while they are still in the war. We can send things to them through the mail, that make their stay overseas more comfortable and more like home. Sometimes they don't even get to brush their teeth for a long time, so a simple pack of gum can make all the difference in their day. Even if we don't agree with the causes that have brought them into the war, we must believe in them. No matter what anybody says, they are fighting for the basic rights we as humans deserve.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

my heritage

I am Irish and German. I like to joke about the fact that I am a descendant to the Nazi's even though I have no idea. This is because one of my friends is Jewish. Sick joke, I know. I am very proud of where I came from. I am also 1/8 Sioux. I also joke about this too. I look nothing like any native american I have ever seen. My grandma, who is 1/2 sioux is visibly sioux, by her hair. I just tell people that I didn't get any of the good traits. I have to say, even though I know my heritage, I don't identify myself by it, or by my writing. I could use it to my advantage I suppose, but overall I am not associated with a Tribe since my grandmother was adopted, and I don't have one of those strong ethnic familes.

destructive writing

Writing to destroy somebody or something can be harmful to the writer just as much as the person that is being destroyed. People who have a good oppinion on the thing that is being destroyed will most likely backlash against the writer and could end up singling them out. This could lead to false accusations. For instance, the magazines that publish aweful things about stars that aren' true. I think, in most cases, stars just let it go, but if a writer would make a false accusation that would destroy the star people would automatically go after that writer. If the information was proven to be false that person would most likely lose thier job and be forced to work at Taco Bell the rest of their lives.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007


By Dr. Meyer's corrections I use cliches way more than I thought I did. The only one I can remember is the one that I just corrected in my last paper. The sandwich will "melt in your mouth". I guess I didn't realize that using them was wrong, no offense Dr. Meyer. I can see where they are over used and not creative, but people shouldn't get to claim those phrases. It's taking away from the options I have as a writer. I also used "life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get' this year too. As a teenager we also coin phrases that are "hip". "Coin" might also be a cliche, not sure. The 80's had all those, and so on. I don't know which ones belong to which generation, but there is groovy, and rightous(SP), totally, and far out. Now we say "pretty much" and "pretty sure". It's basically this; my generation has come up with ways for us to be more snotty and sarcastic. It sound good right? Oh also, just to add to my November 7th blog, I would like to formally announce my turning of age. Finally I am 18, and I can do whatever I want...yeah right.

favorite sandwich

My favorite sandwich is from Subway. It's a 6" wheat, with turkey, american cheese, tomatoes, cucumbers, lettus, spinach, and light mayo. Just thinking about subway makes my mouth water. I eat subway at least once a week, as it is a quick, easy, cheap, and healthy thing to eat for a high schooler who lacks the time to cook a meal. I also like grilled cheese sandwiches, but only when I have tomato soup to eat them with. As a child the only sandwiches I would eat were the ones my dad would make, which when I look back on them, they are quite similar to the one I get at subway. It's probably obvious that my tastes were installed from that. I have to make one silly comment. It makes fun of meat producers, parents, and children. It starts with a b and ends in a ologna. How gross bologna is, and how silly of a name. It doesn't even make sense. How can an a make the y sound. It doesn't, that is how. But anyways back to my point; why do parents feed that to their children. IT'S GROSS. Remember those bologna and butter sandwiches? I do, and my family wasn't lacking in the wealth department, so it had nothing to do with it. It's just a thing that parents must think. Oh she's little, she'll eat anything. Yeah, thanks mom!

famous people i have met

About two years ago I went up to Marshall, Minnesota with three of my friends. We were very excited to see the Yellowcard concert. I was excited, but I didn't really admit to them that I didn't know the band very well. Dana, one of the girls that went with, was a very big fan of them. We bought t-shirts and listened to the opening band, who I can't remember. We marched our way through the big crowd, and sweet talked people to let us in. Throughout the entire concert I only knew about three songs or so. Even if I had known more I wouldn't had been able to enjoy what I was watching. This was the most violent, crazy crowd I have ever been around, and I've been around some crazy fans. ( I went to a Nine Inch Nails concert. If you know their music, you know why this would be a surprise.) At one point the crowd actually fell with a domino affect and took me down with them. I got scared, but I stuck it out with Dana, who throughout all of this extremely physical activity never drank once. We could not make her take her eyes off of the band. Finally at the end, Dana passed out. I went faithfully with her through the back of the building with the firemen, and when we crossed the threshold to the back, there was the leader of the band. It's amazing how the want of some t-shirt signing can make a passed out girl perk right up.